Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys
Do you need a spinal cord lawyer who will fight for maximum compensation for your spinal cord injury claim?
One of the most traumatic and life-changing injuries someone can suffer is a spinal cord injury (SCI). Damage to one’s spinal cord can cause significant disability in the form of paralysis, nerve pain, back pain, and limited motion (or no motion) in the extremities. A serious spinal cord injury can cause someone to need lifelong medical care and treatment that could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars or more. However, a person who has significant disabilities due to a serious spinal cord injury can still lead a long, productive, and happy life, especially with the proper financial support.
The catastrophic injury lawyers at My Rights Law focus their practice on people who suffer serious and debilitating injuries. We fight for our client’s rights to help them win the financial compensation they need for support. Hiring the right law firm is extremely important to protect the rights of seriously injured people.
Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer In California: What Can I Do If Injured?
If you are a victim of paralysis or another injury, then to protect your rights relating to a potential paralysis lawsuit, you should get a free consultation with skilled paralysis attorneys. A case evaluation with a well-informed paralysis lawyer allows you to determine your legal options. My Rights Law is a personal injury law firm whose goal is to help paralysis victims get the most possible compensation and justice. Our law firm is here for you when you need our legal services. Reach out to My Rights Law today by calling (888) 702-8845 or by leaving a message on our secure web form for a free consultation with one of our knowledgeable spinal cord injury lawyers.
- 1. Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer In California: What Can I Do If Injured?
- 2. Common Causes Of Spinal Cord Injuries
- 3. Spinal Cord Injuries Lawyer
- 4. Types of Spinal Cord Injuries
- 5. Spinal Cord Impingement Attorney: Dealing With A Spinal Cord Injury
- 6. What Compensation Can A California Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer Win For You?
- 7. Lawyer For Spinal Injury Case
- 8. Selecting An Attorney In A Spinal Cord Injury Case
Common Causes Of Spinal Cord Injuries
Catastrophic spinal cord injuries can be caused in a variety of ways. In most instances, traumatic, violent events such as accidents cause spinal cord injuries. Our spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that are connected to the base of our brain and runs down our back, sending out messages from our brain to the rest of our body. The spinal cord is protected by the spinal bones called vertebrae. When a serious accident occurs, sometimes the vertebrae can be fractured or shifted, causing damage to the nerves within the spinal cord. Once those nerves are damaged, they will no longer send messages to the body, potentially causing serious health issues, including organ failure and paralysis. Here are some common causes of spinal cord injuries:
- Motor vehicle accidents: Car and truck accidents are one of the most common causes of serious vertebrae fractures and damage to the spinal cord. Due to the violent nature of some crashes, the human body can be thrown around the inside of a vehicle. Also, the whiplash nature of some injuries can cause serious damage to the cervical or neck portion of the spinal cord.
- Work accidents: Some jobs can be very dangerous and have high rates of serious injuries. Often, workers can suffer from spinal cord injuries due to work-related car and truck crashes, machine malfunctions, negligence of co-workers with forklifts and other large machinery, falls, and lifting injuries. In many cases, workers will attempt to lift something too heavy and herniate the disc between vertebrae, pushing the jelly-like substance into the spinal cord. This type of pressure on the cord can cause significant pain running down one’s legs or arms depending upon at what level on the spine the herniation occurs.
- Sports injuries: Some sports can be pretty rough and violent. No matter how much protective gear is used, there can often be injuries to the players’ spines. Spinal cord injuries happen in full contact sports such as football but can also occur in supposedly non-contact sports such as soccer and basketball.
- Falls: People fall all of the time, but most of these falls do not result in serious injury. Sometimes, a person can fall from a height that can cause serious damage to their spine and spinal cord. These falls can happen at work, at home, or on someone else’s property (e.g., you are a guest in someone’s house and injure yourself on their unsafe grounds). Many homeowners injure their spines while improperly climbing ladders while doing maintenance work on their homes, for example.
- Acts of violence: In some cases, an act of violence against someone can cause spinal cord injuries. One of the more common acts of violence that can damage or sever a spinal cord is gunshots. There is currently an epidemic of gun violence throughout the United States. Many people are paralyzed every year due to gunshot wounds.
- Defective products: Some people are injured by a defective product that they are using. In some instances, automobiles can be defectively designed or manufactured, causing crashes. Also, some machines can have defective safety devices or lack proper guarding, causing someone to become seriously injured and damaging their spine.
- Medical negligence: Medical errors cause a small percentage of spinal cord injuries in the United States. Sometimes, medical professionals, including doctors and nurses, make mistakes during surgical procedures that can cause damage to one’s spinal cord.
Spinal Cord Injuries Lawyer
No matter the facts surrounding the injury, if the cause was due to someone’s negligent or reckless behavior, the injured person would be entitled to compensation. An experienced spinal cord injuries lawyer may be able to help win money to cover medical treatment, lost wages, loss of consortium if the person is married, pain and suffering, and the loss of life’s pleasures. A spinal cord injury can be quite devastating to an individual and their family. Having financial support after a serious injury like this can make life easier.
Types of Spinal Cord Injuries
Depending upon the location on the spine where the injury occurs, this will dictate what type of symptoms, health problems, and disabilities the person might suffer. The spine is separated into four sections: cervical (neck), thoracic (middle back between the shoulder blades), lumbar (lower back), and sacral (bottom of the spine going into the tail bone). Also, the extent of damage to the spinal cord at a specific level will dictate the severity of the injury.
Spinal Cord Impingement Attorney: Dealing With A Spinal Cord Injury
No two spinal cord injuries are the same. Every injured person will have differing levels of damage, differing severity in symptoms, and a different rate of recovery. In extremely serious injuries, the spinal cord can be completely severed, causing permanent paralysis below the level of the injury. In other cases, the spinal cord can be partially severed, bruised, or pressed upon by bone or herniated disc material, which can cause paralysis (sometimes temporary, sometimes permanent) or pain and weakness in the body parts below the level of the injury. Here are the symptoms and disabilities someone can experience depending upon what level of the spinal cord was damaged:
- Cervical spinal cord injuries: Injuries to the cervical area of the spine can cause quadriplegia, which is total paralysis of both the arms and legs. Another term for this condition is tetraplegia. People who suffer from quadriplegia can also suffer from breathing issues, loss of bowel and bladder control, numbness, and a lack of feeling in the entire body from the neck down.
- Thoracic spinal cord injuries: Thoracic spinal injuries are usually fewer in number due to the area of the spine as well as the impact protection from the rib cage. However, if someone’s thoracic spinal cord is seriously injured, that person can suffer from paraplegia or paralysis of the legs. This level of injury could also cause numbness below the site of the injury, loss of bowel and bladder control, and sexual dysfunction.
- Lumbar spinal cord injuries: Given the fact that the injury is to the lower spine, usually only the legs suffer from paralysis, numbness, and weakness. Usually, the upper body and arms are not affected. Also, a person with a lumbar spinal cord injury might suffer from a lack of bladder, bowel, and sexual function.
- Sacral spinal cord injuries: Injuries to this area of the spine are also somewhat rare. But when an injury at this level happens, the person can suffer from some paralysis, numbness, and weakness in the legs, and loss of bladder and bowel control.
What Compensation Can A California Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer Win For You?
Suffering from a serious spinal cord injury where you are paralyzed can be a significant financial burden for you and your family. Not only will you likely need ongoing medical care for the rest of your life, but you might also not be able to perform the same job you were doing before the accident. This can cause significant wage loss and an inability to engage in substantial, gainful employment.
Having an experienced spinal cord injury lawyer on your side, fighting for your rights and fair compensation for everything you have lost, is the best course of action. Without someone fighting on your behalf, your situation can go from bad to worse. If someone’s negligence, carelessness, and reckless behavior caused these injuries, you deserve to be compensated to the fullest extent that the law allows. Here are the types of money damages and compensation that an attorney will try to win for you:
- Medical bills, both for past treatment and future treatment
- Lost past wages as well as lost future wages if you cannot perform the job you had at the time of your injury. Also, you should be compensated for lost future earning potential for any future increase in wages you might have received.
- Psychological injuries like mental distress, emotional damage, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety.
- Pain and suffering based upon the actual pain suffered in the accident, the injuries thereafter, and any pain and suffering caused by surgeries and subsequent treatment
- Loss of consortium is compensation to your spouse for the lack of intimate marital relations with you or for the lack of care, comfort, and support that you would have normally been able to give them
- Loss of enjoyment of life is compensation for all of the things you can no longer do in your life that used to give you joy and pleasure.
Lawsuits with significant injuries such as quadriplegia and paraplegia are extremely complicated and need to be handled by a serious law firm that focuses its law practice on large, complicated injury cases. The spinal cord injury lawyers at My Rights Law can answer all of your questions and help you get through this challenging time. Do not hesitate to reach out to us by calling (888) 702-8845 or by contacting us through our secure web form for a free consultation.
Lawyer For Spinal Injury Case
At My Rights Law, we understand that for spinal cord injury victims and their families, the time following a traumatic injury can be both confusing and stressful. We are here to provide you with the legal advice and representation you need during this difficult time.
Our team of experienced attorneys is dedicated to helping spinal cord injury victims seek financial compensation for medical costs, emotional distress, loss of function, quality of life, physical pain, non-economic damages and chronic pain – all of which can result from a medical malpractice or traffic accident.
We strive to represent you in all personal injury claims, lawsuits, and other legal investigations involving negligent and at-fault parties as well as lost wages due to missed work. Our lawyers will fight aggressively on behalf of all spinal cord damage victims to ensure they receive adequate compensation for all monetary damages incurred.
You shouldn’t have to bear the burden of the guilty party’s negligence. Our professional legal staff and physical therapists are here to help you navigate the aftermath of a life-altering injury and protect your right to compensation for damages that may include loss of feeling, loss of ability, loss of movement, and/or loss of quality of life.
At My Rights Law, we understand how devastating spinal cord damage can be for those injured and their families. We are dedicated to protecting your rights and fighting for the best possible outcome for you and your loved ones. Working with a personal injury lawyer from our firm means that you have a knowledgeable and experienced advocate on your side who is working tirelessly to ensure you are awarded the financial damages necessary for complete recovery as well as medical assistance. Let us take on the guilty party so that you can concentrate on healing and putting your life back together. With My Rights Law, you will always have an ally in the fight for justice.
If you or someone you love suffers from an injury caused by medical malpractice or dangerous conditions, contact My Rights Law and get the full legal representation you deserve. Call us today for more information regarding our services and to learn more about your ability to receive compensation for a breach of duty of care.
Selecting An Attorney In A Spinal Cord Injury Case
If you suffer a spine injury, then it is really important that you consult with an attorney who is well-versed in bringing back injury and spinal cord injury lawsuits. At My Rights Law, our attorneys are dedicated to helping victims get as much compensation as possible for their back and spine injuries, damages, and losses. We are well prepared to aggressively fight on your behalf to get you every dollar that you deserve as a result of being injured. Don’t sleep on your rights. Reach out to My Rights Law today, call at (888) 702-8845 or contact us by completing our secure web form for a free consultation with one of the firm’s knowledgeable spinal cord injury attorneys.