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DUI Penalties

California DUI Penalties

A California DUI Defense Attorney at our offices can help explain the penalties you may be facing and how likely we could help you beat your DUI charges. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation to discuss your case.

First DUI

The DUI Laws in California for a first time DUI defendant may face a maximum of 6-months in jail, fines over $5,000, and must take a court-approved DUI course. In addition, there may be an imposition of community service, an ignition interlock device on the defendants car, or attending  AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings. In addition, the DMV may also suspend or restrict your drivers license.

In California, there may also be “Enhancements”, if:

1.      There was a child under fourteen in the vehicle;
2.      Speeding in excess of 20mph on surface streets or 30 mph on highways;
3.      There was a refusal to give a chemical test;
4.      Having a Blood Alcohol Content level of 0.15 percent or higher;
5.      Having one or more prior convictions within the previous ten years.

Second DUI

  • 96 hours to one year in county jail
  • Up to $1800 in fines and fees
  • 2-year license suspension

Third DUI

  • 120 days to one year in county jail
  • Up to $3000 in fines and fees
  • 3-year license revocation
  • An in-patient Alcohol treatment program

Fourth (Or More) DUI

  • A Felony
  • Up to 3 years in a state prison
  • Up to $3000 in fines
  • 4-year license revocation
  • An inpatient alcohol treatment program

Although the law can seem daunting, hiring a dedicated lawyer can help with a lot of the aggravation and stress involved with the process. In Los Angeles County, Orange County and the Inland Empire, including Rancho Cucamonga, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, a DUI attorney can in some cases get community service or house-arrest instead of jail time. In addition, with proper lawyering and investigation by a DUI attorney in Riverside or San Bernardino County (The Inland Empire), you are far more likely to get a plea deal or dismissal. Examples of plea deals are a “wet and reckless” or “dry and reckless”.

Please feel free to contact us so we can help explain the details of how the penalties will apply to your case and how we can help you beat a DUI arrest. See our page DUI Stages.

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