
  • Invoking Your Miranda Rights If Arrested In California

    Published On: Jan 3, 2021|Categories: Criminal Defense|

    Invoking Your Miranda Rights If Arrested In California [playht_listen_button]Most people who have watched a reality show such as Cops are familiar with a Miranda warning. What most people do not know is that a Miranda warning does not apply in every police interaction. If the police suspect that you committed a crime, chances are that they will want to interview you. Anything that you say [...]

  • Charged With Domestic Violence In California?

    Published On: Nov 3, 2020|Categories: Criminal Defense, Domestic Violence|

    Charged With Domestic Violence In California? [playht_listen_button]Unfortunately, some disputes among family members or those in close personal relationships get so heated that threats of violence are made or a physical altercation ensues. If you are ever in a situation where you are accused of domestic violence, you could face severe consequences including jail time. The criminal defense lawyers at provide you with this [...]

  • Does Retaining A Lawyer Make You Appear Guilty To The Police?

    Published On: Oct 12, 2020|Categories: Criminal Defense|

    Does Retaining A Lawyer Make You Appear Guilty To The Police? [playht_listen_button]If you are arrested by law enforcement, you might feel the need to disclose information to them without your lawyer present. This can be a big mistake. In your typical Hollywood movie, those under arrest or who are under suspicion of committing a crime are frowned upon by law enforcement the moment that a [...]

  • How Covid-19 Has Affected Criminal Justice In California

    Published On: Oct 2, 2020|Categories: Criminal Defense|

    How Covid-19 Has Affected Criminal Justice In California [playht_listen_button]Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on our daily lives, with more than 212,000 deaths attributable to the virus coming from the United States alone. Unprecedented and sweeping changes have been made in just about all industries and sectors including the criminal justice system, where California courts have been shut down for months and have become backlogged with cases. [...]

  • How To Get A Better Plea Bargain In A California Criminal Case

    Published On: Sep 2, 2020|Categories: Criminal Defense|

    How To Get A Better Plea Bargain In A California Criminal Case [playht_listen_button]California prosecutors are in no hurry to offer you a sweetheart deal when you have just been charged with a crime. Rather, they want to punish you so that, according to them, justice is served. However, some cases are harder to prove than others – and prosecutors know this. You might fall into [...]

  • My Rights Law: COVID-19 Pandemic Helping Criminal Cases in California

    Published On: Mar 24, 2020|Categories: Criminal Defense|

    Bobby Shamuilian, Criminal Defense Attorney - The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis Can Actually Help Your Criminal Case [playht_listen_button]Due to the Coronavirus, now is one of the best times to wrap up cases, deal with probation violations, resolve outstanding warrants, clear holds on your license, failure to appears and, most importantly, negotiate plea deals! According to criminal lawyer Bobby Shamuilian of , "Courts across California are [...]

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