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How To Clean Up Your Criminal Record In California

How To Clean Up Your Criminal Record In California

Published On: Jun 18, 2021 | Categories: Criminal Defense, Expungement

How To Clean Up Your Criminal Record In California [playht_listen_button]This country was founded on providing people with second chances. This principle speaks to the idea that once you have paid the price for your crime, it should not continue to

my rights law group rancho cucamonga expungements

My Rights Law: Did You Miss National Expungement Week?

Published On: Feb 6, 2020 | Categories: Criminal Defense, Expungement

My Rights Law: Did You Miss National Expungement Week? [playht_listen_button]The second annual National Expungement Week (N.E.W.) was held during the last week of September - did you miss it? If so, no worries, the experienced Rancho Cucamonga expungement lawyer of