Criminal Defense
AB 1310: Ensuring a Fairer Justice System in CA
Unraveling the Promises of AB 1310: Ensuring a Fairer Justice System in California California has been recognized for its distinctive stance on criminal law, particularly its use of sentencing enhancements which gained traction in the 1990s. While the intent was
READ MOREThe Impact of Social Media on Criminal Cases
The Impact of Social Media on Your Criminal Case In today's digital age, social media plays a major role in our daily lives. We use it to connect with friends and family, share our thoughts and opinions, and document our
READ MOREJuvenile Delinquency: My Child Was Arrested. Now What Should I Do?
My Child Was Arrested: Now What Should I Do? As a parent, one of your biggest fears is that something may happen to your child. That something can be an arrest. No one wants to deal with accusations of committing
READ MOREWoman sues San Diego County over father’s death in jail
Photo Credit: Jennifer Schmidt Woman sues San Diego County over father's death in jail A woman is suing San Diego County after her fathers untimely death while in the custody of the County jail. Cases like this is why our
READ MOREAttorney Bobby Shamuilian On Bloomberg Law Podcast Discussing Acquittal of Celebrity Chef Mario Batali
Attorney Bobby Shamuilian On Bloomberg Law Podcast Discussing Acquittal of Celebrity Chef Mario Batali Bobby Shamuilian, founding attorney of criminal defense firm My Rights Law, discusses the acquittal of celebrity chef Mario Batali on sexual misconduct charges on the Bloomberg
READ MOREInmates Overdose At Los Angeles Men’s Central Jail
Inmates Overdose at Los Angeles Men's Central Jail If you're thinking that your possible jail time isn't that big of a deal, it's time you rethought your circumstances. Our criminal defense attorneys have helped thousands of clients stay out of
READ MORECharged As An Accessory After The Fact?
Charged As An Accessory After The Fact? Maybe it's in your nature to help people, especially loved ones. Unfortunately, helping someone after they have committed a crime may come with dire consequences. You might find yourself being charged as an
READ MOREI Was Charged As An Accomplice. What Do I Do?
I Was Charged As An Accomplice. What Do I Do? [playht_listen_button]So there you are, flipping through TV channels when you see your face pop up on the news. Your eyes bulge. You’re being charged as an accomplice to a grocery
READ MORESan Bernardino Public Defender in Disgrace
(Photo by Dean Musgrove, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG) San Bernardino Public Defender in Alleged Disgrace Picking the proper law firm to represent you is of the utmost importance when trying to achieve the best possible result. Are you aware of
READ MOREGang Enhancement Charge PC 186.22
Charged With Gang Enhancement PC 186.22? [playht_listen_button]You’re walking down the street, fishing through your pockets, when you realize you’re all out of money. You sigh, passing a middle-aged woman in a pinstripe suit. It’s been several years since you’ve